Fair Oaks Soccer Club

P.O. Box 2950

Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Conduct, Health and Safety


A concussion is a brain injury. Failure to identify a concussion can lead to long term damage. Concussions can, and do, occur during soccer games. A concussion can be immediately evident in a player, or the concussion can appear after the game (or even practice). A concussion is a serious injury. A player diagnosed with a concussion shall not be allowed to return to play until cleared by her or his doctor. 

The following information is extracted from the Centers for Disease Control.

To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, CDC developed the HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The HEADS UP initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.


Safety Policies

Practice and game cancellation policy

The Fair Oaks Soccer Club (FOSC) reserves the right, in the interest of protecting the health and well-being of all our participant's - players, coaching staff and other volunteers - to cancel all association outdoor activities, to include but not be limited to, soccer practices, matches, tournaments, events, and training when the FOSC Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, believes conditions to be harmful to its participants.

Canceled / Rescheduled Practices

Should FOSC cancel practices because of weather-related issues, we will not reschedule practices.

FOSC | Health and Safety 2023

Excess heat (updated 08/15/2023)

Fair Oaks Soccer Club RESTRICTS practice activities at a temperature above 95F. Coaches can hold a practice, but the coach shall reduce physical activities to avoid player heat stress.

FOSC cancels ALL PRACTICES at a temperature above 103F.

The temperature shall be determined AT the start of the practice time. Coaches shall consider their local field conditions, such as availability of shade, to provide relief to their players. 


Fair Oaks Soccer Club practices and plays during rain storms. FOSC partners in TBSG rely upon fields that have restrictions based upon pitch conditions and may have to cancel in the event of rain events. We will not reschedule practices impacted by rain.


FOSC delays/cancels practice in the event of lightning strikes within 6 miles of the playing fields.

Count the seconds between the flash of a lightning strike and the next boom of thunder. If it’s under 30 seconds, the storm is less than 6 miles away. 

All training sessions and games will be delayed for 30 minutes at the first lightning strike within 6 miles.

The 30-minute delay will restart every time lightning strikes within 10 miles.

Player injury during game play

If a player is injured during game play:

  • Call for your team to take a knee.
  • Decide if you need take action to retrieve your player.
  • If your player cannot return to play on her/his own, the player is required to sit out for at least one round of uninterrupted play.
  • If you believe that your player has sustained a head injury, please follow CDC guidelines regarding concussion safety.
  • Report injuries (such as concussions, broken bones, or twisted ankles) to the FOSC Board of Directors.

Right to cancel active game

The Coach or the Assistant Coach has the right to cancel a game, while active, if the she/he feels that player health and safety is at risk. FOSC teams will encounter opposing teams that will use play tactics that are excessively physical (to the point of violence against our players). There are times that the referee cannot or will not address the rough game play.

This decision to forfeit a game for player safety is not one that is made lightly.

Should encounter such a match: 

  • Announce to the team and to you families that you intend to stop play. 
  • Call the team off the field. Alternatively, announce to the center referee of your intentions. THE COACHES SHALL NOT STEP ONTO THE PITCH. The referee can red card a coach who enters the field during game play. 
    The referee, however, does not have the authority to disallow your decision to forfeit the match. 
  • The cessation will result in your team forfeiting the match. 
  • IMMEDIATELY leave the playing field and the parking lot. DO NOT REMAIN at the field any longer than is necessary to retrieve your belongings. 
  • Report the incident, including match number, and all relevant team and coach data in an email to the FOSC president

Player Safety

  • Jewelry is not permitted to be worn during soccer practices or matches. If earrings cannot be removed, the player cannot play. Taping of earrings is not an acceptable alternative to removing them.

  • Shinguards are required for all practices and matches and must be completely covered by socks. If a player does not have shinguards, they cannot play. There are no exceptions.

Injury prevention

It will be important to help our players ramp up their game pace levels appropriately. A few tips here:

  • Make sure your players are adequately warmed up. If your star player is late, have them do some warm-ups before going into the game.   
  • Have your subs warm up again before going into the game.  Activities 1 and 6 from the FIFA warm-up are ideal for a quick loosening up before coming into the game.
  • Try not to do quick on and off substitution patterns.  Once a player is in the game try and let them play a bit.  We are trying to avoid repeated warm up/cool down cycles.
  • Monitor overall playing time.  We’ve all been there as a coach, that time in a game where you know you stars should sub out but you’re thinking: “We’re so close, if I just leave them in a minute longer, we’ll score”.   Well don’t.   If they need a break, pull them; if they’ve played what should be their max for the game' pull them.   It’s not worth getting them hurt because you tried to squeeze one more goal out of that line up.

Air quality and smoke

The FOSC Board reviews AQI data calculated by locally installed air monitoring devices and linked to Purple Air. The value of concern is the US EPA PM2.5 AQI. Values can be reviewed in real time or averaged. 

If AQI > 127 reduce exertion at practice.

If AQI > 150 cancel practice.

See our Health and Safety Guidance for detailed information.

Coaches and parents are encouraged to download the Purple Air App (PAKU) to monitor conditions in real time. Using the on-screen menu (button below the "gears", select US EPA). 

COVID-19 Information

FOSC is not tracking COVID-19 infections at this time.

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